Normalerwijs zetten we nooit engelse teksten op de site maar in dit geval hebben we de tekst origineel gelaten. We voelen mee met de mensen van Hardy & Greys en in het bijzonder met Andrew Sowerby, de sympathieke product manager. Oh wat was hij trots om zijn nieuwe Goldbow karperhengels te presenteren. Samen met een heleboel andere hengels werd het prototype van de Goldbow gestolen in Zwolle tijdens de karperbeurs. Op de foto hierboven ziet u Andrew Sowerby met enige wat nog over was van de nieuwe Goldbow karperhengel. Lees even de brief hieronder....Er wordt een mooie prijs uitgeloofd voor vinders van dit paradepaardje van Hardy......

Thousands of pounds worth of bespoke rods and other items of fishing tackle, including the new prototype, Hardy Goldbow were stolen at the Carp 2009 Show at Zwolle. The rods were part of a large scale theft that included many other items from different manufacturers.
The show, which took place on the 7th and 8th February at the Ijsselhallen in Zwolle, Netherlands, saw the new Hardy Carp rod, designed for the Dutch market, stolen prior to the Show on the evening of the 6th February.
Andrew Sowerby, International Sales and Events Manager for Hardy & Greys Ltd said;
“I am sickened by this theft. As it is a prototype, this specific example of the rod is of little value, even worse, anglers had travelled several hours to the show specifically to see, handle and discuss the Hardy Goldbow - this is exactly why anglers go to shows.”
This rod, together with a number of Hardy Marksman Coarse rods were stolen. The Hardy Goldbow rod is clearly identifiable by its distinct rich brown blank, full cork handle and has no bag, tube or stopper. The Marksman Coarse rods are easily identifiable as they also have no bags, stoppers or tubes and the Hardy Feeder rods only have one 2oz quiver tip in each of them.

Police are now looking to find the stolen items and Hardy & Greys Ltd are offering a complete finished Hardy Goldbow Carp rod as a reward to anyone who has information that leads to the recovery of this prototype.
Suggested image annotation; ‘Andrew Sowerby, International Sales & Events Manager for Hardy & Greys Ltd with all that remains of the stolen prototype Hardy Goldbow Rod... the stopper!’
For further media and product information, contact:
Tel: +44 (0)1665 602771
For information on the Zwolle Show, contact:
Andrew Sowerby, Hardy & Greys Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1665 60771 Email:
Note for Editors:
More information on Hardy, Greys and Chub can be found at